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Lent Lunch: "I am the good shepherd." (daytime & virtual)

In a Lent Lunch, we start the way we always do- by checking in with each person gathered to find out what is on our minds and hearts, allowing the gathered questions and struggles to guide where we go.

In this season of preparation, our gatherings will be focused on the words of Jesus, specifically focused on the “I am” statements he makes in the book of John. As is the way of 40 Orchards, the invitation will be to wrestle with these texts without guarding a particular viewpoint or theology. We will let the Scripture, and each person in the room, to push us to ask questions we perhaps have never felt comfortable asking before.

We will meet for an hour each Wednesday during Lent, beginning Ash Wednesday, from 12-1pm Central Time. We are hopeful that this weekly rhythm of Scripture Circles will give us a an expansive experience of what is sacred, whole, and good. You are welcome to come to just one, or to register for all 7 gatherings. Please plan on attending anything you register for, as these circles are live, participatory, and not recorded.

On March 6, our passage will be John 10:11-18, in which Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd.”

This circle will be virtual and led by Stephanie Spencer. A zoom link will be emailed to registrants the day before the gathering.

There is no cost to register for a Lent Lunch. Donations are always welcome.

Please contact us if you try to get in but the study is full.  You will receive a confirmation email upon completing your registration.  If you do not receive an email, please contact us so we can confirm your registration.

Once you click on the link to register, you will be asked to log in with your email and password. If you have not registered before, just click on the "x" to register.  If you have forgot your password, you can enter your email to recover it. You will receive a confirmation email upon completing your registration. If you do not receive an email, please contact us so we can confirm your registration!