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Join us for an Upcoming Circle

  • Want to see all our dates and programs in one place? Download our 2024-2025 pdf calendar with program descriptions here.

  • Do you want to join but aren’t quite sure when and where yet? Stay in touch by subscribing to our newsletter.

  • Having questions about registration? Email Lisa at

Seven Hours


Friday, February 28 from 9am-4pm CST in-person in Richfield, MN.

Join with others who are ready to question theological concepts that no longer fit with how we experience the world. Spend a day searching for more wholeness and freedom around old doctrinal bricks. These are guided communal conversations capped at 12 participants. Suggested donation $75, with sliding scale and payment plan options available. All pricing options available at registration. All money collected supports the mission and vision of 40 Orchards.

Seven Hours: Incarnation
The theology of incarnation is a central Christian doctrine about God becoming human in the form of Jesus Christ. The word "incarnation" literally means "to take on flesh." What does this actually mean? Did Mary have to be a virgin for it to be true? What's the difference between God's presence everywhere and God's presence in Jesus? How can we know what characteristics of Jesus were about his divinity as compared to about his humanity? Explore these questions and more with others who want to wrestle and learn from the wisdom of community. Includes some reading to be done in advance.

Seven Circles: Unnamed Women

Wednesdays during Lent, from 12-1pm CST via zoom.

Seven Circles: The Unnamed Women of Lent

The Gospels contain many stories of named women, including Mary Magdalene, Martha, Joanna, Susanna, and more. But what about the women whose names we do not know? How might they help us see our own journeys as we move through the Lenten season? Join with us virtually over lunch, from 12-1pm CST, from March 5 through April 16, 2025. We will talk about people like the bleeding woman in Mark 5, the Samaritan woman from John 4, the repentant woman in Luke 7, or Pontius Pilate’s wife from Matthew 27.

In Seven Circles, you join with a committed community over seven sessions to pick up the pieces that deconstruction left behind. Together, we search for the people and ideas we were never taught to see, wrestle with the questions that arise, and lean on communal wisdom to cultivate the roots of something new.

This is a guided communal conversations capped at 12 participants. Suggested donation $350 for the seven sessions, with sliding scale and payment plan options available. All pricing options available at registration. All money collected supports the mission and vision of 40 Orchards.


Matriarchy Mondays

Monday, March 24 from 7-9pm CST virtual, via zoom.

Spend an evening listening to the stories of the women of Scripture, asking fresh questions about what they have to teach all of us, regardless of our gender. Join with others to search for voices that have been overlooked and expand how we see the Bible and ourselves. This is a guided communal conversations capped at 12 participants. Suggested donation $25, with sliding scale and payment plan options available. All pricing options available at registration. All money collected supports the mission and vision of 40 Orchards.