Left to right: Stephanie Spencer and Lisa Adams. Taken after they both preached at a local congregation in 2022.

Left to right: Todd Bratulich, Lisa Adams, Stephanie Spencer, and Jason Steffenhagen. Taken at our Fall 2022 Celebration.

 Our Staff

Lisa Adams, Co-Director
Lisa Adams started her working career at a McDonalds in the 80’s and has been learning new skills and trying new things ever since.  After a winding vocational road, that included ministering at a megachurch, Lisa found her way to 40 Orchards, finished her MDiv, and now splits her time between the communities of 40 Orchards and people who are (or have been) incarcerated and justice impacted. She is curious about people and loves to listen to their stories about the complexities of what it means to be human. She is passionate about laughter, do-overs, and seeing the good in each person. Lisa loves that she is able to bring her authentic self and join in on the communal wisdom that comes from the communities she is a part of. She is full of questions and wonderings and enjoys participating in subversive and justice-oriented practices. She is pretty sure that there is nothing better than learning in community from those located on the edges, nurturing goodness, and giving hugs that heal. Email Lisa

Stephanie Spencer, Co-Director
Stephanie Spencer never tires of asking questions about God and the meaning of the human experience. A former pastor and seminary grad, she knows what it is to be inside the institutions of religion. But at this stage of her life, she can't imagine being anywhere but 40 Orchards, where she is sharpened by co-leadership with Lisa, gets to learn from the gathered community, and experience spaces where everyone and everything belongs. She is passionate about helping people learn to trust their inner wisdom, and risk listening to the desires of their hearts. She has a complicated relationship with her emotions, and almost always finds clarity for her existential crises when she's on a hike or a run. Stephanie is also an Enneagram Coach, artist, wife, mother, and coffee-lover. Email Steph

Our Board

Jason Steffenhagen, Chair & Podcast Co-host

Mary Eliasen, Treasurer

Cathy Pinske, Secretary 

Anna Stamborski, Member

Todd Bratulich, Member