Build a More Expansive Faith

Through guided facilitation, our circles of 8-12 people stay committed to rooting deeply, learning from each other, expecting goodness, wrestling together, and searching for more. Our vision is for our community to cultivate wholeness, hope, and freedom, for ourselves and for others.

Engage on Your Own.

  • Compost for the Garden: A bimonthly email of stories, thoughts, questions, and (hopefully) wisdom. Is it fertilizer for your faith or just s***? You decide. Subscribe here.

  • Searching the Sacred: A podcast hosting conversations about scripture for the curious, doubters, and hope-seekers. Listen and subscribe here.

Drop In for a One-Time Commitment.

  • Matriarchy Mondays: Take part in exploring the stories of the women of Scripture, asking fresh questions about what they have to teach us.

  • Sunday Brunch: Make space for connection and intentional conversations. Invite people from your circle into your home to join in virtually to one of our circles. With a mix of full group and breakout conversations, we will engage with our questions and search the sacred– together.

  • Seven Hours: Join with others who are ready to question theological concepts that no longer fit with how we experience the world. Spend a day searching for more wholeness and freedom around old doctrinal bricks.

Commit to an Ongoing Conversation.

  • Seven Circles: Join with a committed community over seven sessions to pick up the pieces that deconstruction left behind. Together, we search for the people and ideas we were never taught to see, wrestle with the questions that arise, and lean on communal wisdom to cultivate the roots of something new.

  • The Cohort Circle: Jump into a 40-week journey to expand how you see what is sacred, whole, and good. Rebuild, surrounded by community, and be challenged to move towards what is yours to do. Learn more about the cohort here.

Join us! See what is upcoming and register here.