Year in Review

Dear 40 Orchards Community,

What a year all of us have walked through! As an organization committed to community voices and participation, we wanted to share with you how the mission of 40 Orchards unfolded during these challenging times.

Like everyone, we struggled. Some of our community stopped attending, we had to cancel some programs, and we weren't sure how to move forward. We can look back and see some ways that we failed. Yet we can also see more clearly now the work that is ours to do, and want to celebrate with you the good that has come.

We are humbled that in the midst of a global pandemic, many of our circles became a safe space for people to land. We pivoted quickly to a virtual format while remaining true to our values. With so much grief and change to process, our circles became places of refuge, hope, and community.

This report contains a snapshot of a few things that have been happening at 40 Orchards, and how we've felt God with us. None of this could have happened without the support, participation, and spirit of the 40 Orchards community. We are so grateful for you.

In hope for all that lies ahead,
Steph, Lisa, and the 40 Orchards Board

Staff: Lisa Adams & Stephanie Spencer
Board: Claudia Oxley, Julie Rybarczyk, & Deb McCullough
Instagram & Facebook: @40orchards
Email: | Phone: 651.456.8450

Stephanie Spencer