Wrestling in a time of Covid-19

One of the recurring themes of Scripture Circles is what it means to follow the legacy of Israel: one who wrestles with God and with humans and is able. This is the name given to people of faith. 

We are not children of certainty or children of authority. We are the children of wrestling. 

We are given the gift of narratives that show us how to hold tensions. The stories of the Bible do not offer us easy answers. They are full of contradictions, bold acts of trust, ridiculous missteps, confusing choices, honest lamenting, and somehow also, faith. The kind of faith that is honest in facing both what is hard and what is good. The trust that holds intimacy is possible even when God feels distant; the posture that struggles through tensions and hopes for the strength to make it to tomorrow.

The reality of the need for a wrestling faith is palpable in these days of pandemic. 

There are tensions everywhere pushing us to stretch our arms wide to hold the both | and.

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We worry for those who are most vulnerable to Covid-19 and for those who are vulnerable to the effects of the social distancing of Covid-19.
We find hope in the ways neighbors and community members are rising to helping one another with groceries and other needs.

We struggle with how to honor the boundaries being set for the social good.
We wonder how those boundaries might open up a different kind of spaciousness and rest in our lives.

We are heartbroken when we see the difficult choices people face all over the world.
We are encouraged when we notice how a crisis can unify and heal a fractured people.

We are lamenting the injustice of a virus that attacks the most vulnerable among us.
We are grateful for the opportunity to live out justice by making sacrifices to protect them.

We are unsure of the long term financial effects this will have on the economy and with that, a nonprofit's ability to do good work in the world.
We are living into the peace that comes from a mindset of abundance, even in times when scarcity knocks at our door.

We are discouraged when we hear ways people are putting their desires above the needs of others.
We are reminded of the selfless acts engaged in daily by those whose jobs protect health and human safety.

We are overwhelmed by the new challenges facing people who were already dealing with injustice and oppression.
We still yearn for a world in which the shalom of God flows like a river and the justice of God rolls like the waves of the sea. (Is 48:18)

We believe that the lack of God’s miraculous intervention is confusing and maddening.
We believe that God is present and good.

If you feel like this wrestling is too much right now, if your arms feel they might break from holding the tensions of each day, know that you are not alone. We are in this with you.  Please let us know what you need.

Lisa and Steph

40 Orchards wants to be a place where we put communal wholeness and human wellbeing at the forefront of our decisions. While much remains uncertain about the future days, weeks, and months, we know this is a time to make changes. We have decided to temporarily halt our face-to-face gatherings.  Though our gatherings are small, and usually hover around 10-12 attendees, they are also intimate. We are unable to practice the (physical) distancing of 6 feet in between each person as recommended by the CDC. 

It is tempting to want to make excuses or try to spread out because we love being with each other, but as we consider the vulnerable in our community, we want to put their needs first. We encourage you to do the same. Pause and listen to the expertise of the people in your community that have disabilities, chronic illness, and compromised immune systems, especially if you find yourself healthy and currently able-bodied. The voices of the vulnerable will lead us in taking care of one another.

In response to the pandemic and social distancing needs, we are cancelling some gatherings and moving others to a virtual space. You should receive an email from us if you are currently registered or enrolled in one of our current programs. The virtual space is an experiment, but we believe it is a way we can still be together while honoring distance needs. We can risk and experiment together. 

In the spirit of wrestling and trusting in abundance, we also want to open something new. This is a time of both changing schedules and uncertainty. We want to have an open virtual Scripture Circle on Wednesday, March 25 from 9 am to 11 am. This is space to bring our questions and fears and hopes somewhere, so we can find the space to expand our view and wrestle together. 

  1. Registration will be very simple.  Click HERE to get started. You will receive an email about Zoom, the platform we will be using.

  2. We want you to pause and consider where you are right now financially. If you are worried, scared, or facing a job/income loss, please do not donate.  If you feel like you are going to be fine and you are not facing job/income loss, please donate as you are able.

40 Orchards